Hydro-Climatology Research Group


Welcome to the homepage of the Hydroclimatology Research Group at POSTECH. Please follow the NEWS about our research group activities and visit other web pages: Group Members, Research Projects, Publications, Photos, and Archive.

Hydroclimatology@POSTECH is currently looking for highly motivated graduate applicants.  

Potential topics are 1) drought mechanisms, risk, and predictability, 2) large-scale land surface modeling focusing on the land cover and use change impact, 3) hydrodynamical modeling with unmanned boat-based river bathymetry surveys, and 4) socio-hydrology with a focus on the dynamics of social response (potential triggers and growth and decay patterns) during emerging water-related disasters.  

If you are interested in these research topics, please contact me (jhkam@postech.ac.kr)

YouTube Channel (click): Check the videos from our recent research activities and publications. 

  (NOTICE) Photo and Content Credit  from the HCR group website: Dr. Jonghun Kam 



Kwang-Hun's paper on spatiotemporal patterns of water level and total organic carbon concentration of agriculatural reservors in South Korea was accepted in Water Research (IF: 12.8, Top 1% SCIE journal in Water Resources). 

This study employed rotated principal  component analysis (rPCA) to the water level and total organic carbon concentration in ~2,200 agricultural reservoirs in South Korea. The first rPCA mode was a decreasing trend of water level (38% of the explained variance) and increasing trend of TOC concentration (27%) over the southern Korea region where the TOC concentration increased during the 2022 drought. The second rPCA mode is interannual variability of water level (25%) and TOC concentration (18%) over the central Korea region. This study found a marginal relationship between paddy field area and TOC concentration and their regime shift to high TOC concentration during the 2022 drought, which is a potential cause of the increase of TOC concentration in 2022. This study suggests a potential role change of agricultural reservoirs to carbon source.

Big Congrats, Kwang-Hun!


Dr. Park's paper on spatiotemporal patterns of groundwater levels in South Korea was accepted in Science of the Total Environment (IF: 9.8, Top 10% SCIE journal in Environmental Science). 

This study employed Cyclostationary empirical orthogonal function (CSEOF) analysis to the monthly groundwater levels from +200 shallow and deep ground water monitoring stations in the southern Korean Peninsula. We found that the 2016/17 drought were associated with the first two major modes that can explain more than half of the total variance. The third mode was associated with decrease in deep groundwater in the western Korean Peninsula, due to land development. This result indicates that three million residents in the western Korean Peninsula coastlines likely expose groundwater depletion by 2080s. This study highlights the importance of balanced land development including water resources management plans. 

Great Job, Dr. Park!


Dr. Kam accepted an invitation for an advisory panel member of Environmental Research Letters (ERL). According to ERL's website, members of this Panel provide constructive and careful analysis of submissions to the journal, helping to maintain quality control and peer review rigour. 

Please see the following link and check who are in the list of ERL's advisory panel members. <link>


The WMO Integrated Drought Management Programme (IDMP) invited me as a speaker for a 12-minute presentation during the IDMP Virtual Exchange (9 April 2024).  This year' IDMP Virtual Exchange topic is "Non-traditional data collection methods for strengthening drought management." Here is a link for this'year IDMP Virtual Exchange agenda: <link>

My presentation title is Next Generation Drought Monitoring Toward Emotion-Focused Coping. Please register at the following link if you are interested: <link>


The EGU General Assembly 2024 accepted three abstracts of my group (two oral + one poster presentations). About 16,000 scientists participate in the annual EGU General Assembly from all over the world. We are thrilled to share our recent works with the EGU members and learn their works in Vienna, Austria! Please come to our presentation if you are in this year's EGU General Assembly. 

Here are the information about our presentations (*: student presenter):

  • (Oral) EGU24-14972: Understanding the dynamics of information diffusion through data-driven social network modeling for the 2012 U.S. drought and wildfire by Jiam Song* and Jonghun Kam in Room N2 on Monday, 15 April 2024, 12:10) <session>
  • (Oral) EGU24-16043: Next Generation Drought Monitoring: Forecasting to Emotion-Focused Coping by Jonghun Kam et al. in Room 2.15 on Tuesday, 16 April 2024, 17:39)<session
  • (Poster) EGU24-2420: Spatiotemporal patterns of water volume and total organic concentration of agricultural reservoirs over South Korea by Kwang-Hun Lee* and Jonghun Kam in Hall X1 at board number X1.89. The author in attendance time is Thursday, 18 April 2024, 10:45-12:30) <session>


POSTECH opens the 2024-25 Graduate Admissions 1st Round! Out group always welcome highly motivated applicants! If you are interested, please contact me with your resume.

1. Application Period: February 26, 2024 – April 11, 2024 (06:00pm KST)

2. Application Website: https://adm-g.postech.ac.kr/ENG/ 


Our group has two incoming students in the Spring semester of 2024: Deviicha (Icha) Ludyawati (M.S.E program) and Hyeongsoek Oh (M.S.E/Ph.D. program).  

Welcome onboard, Icha and Hyeonsoek!


Shahid, a former MSE student & post-graduate research assistant, leaves for his next professional journey.  Currently, he applied to the PhD program at several U.S. and Australia Universities. I hope that he will have a good news shortly. He was the first MSE student of mine at POSTECH and was graduated with a refereed research article (first author) in Journal of Hydrology

During his post-graduate assistantship, he had another refereed research article (co-author) in Water Resources Research. He was very productive over the last two and half years at POSTECH. 

We will miss you. Best wishes for the next chapter of your journey. Stay in touch, Shahid!


Dr. Kam's report on the 2022 Central Andes drought was accepted for publication in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. In this report, we found that the affect of anthropogenic greenhouse gas and aerosol forcing on 2022-like Central Andes droughts is compensating, resulting in no statistically significant human contribution to the 2022-like droughts. This finding highlights the need to design the climate change mitigation and adaptation policies for Central Andes.

Kam, J.*, S.-K. Min, B.-H. Kim**, Y.-H. Kim, L. B. Diaz, J.-S. Kug, R. Park, 2023, Climate Models Indicate Compensating Effects between Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases and Aerosols on the 2022 Central Andes Spring Drought,  Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-23-0241.1 

Congtrats to all authors!


Maria completed the MSE degree successfully. The title of her thesis is "Assessing the cascade of uncertainty in the prediction skill of Random Forest (RF) modelling for PM10." She investigated the impact of input data record length and precipitation information on RF model's prediction skill for PM10 prediction. Her sites were three stations over South Korea (one station from Seoul, Daegu, and Busan). She is currently looking for a opening position for graduate research assistant. I wish the best luck on her new journey. 

Congratulations, Maria!


Anqi got an award (우수논문도전상) from the 4th POSTECH Excellence Research Achievement Competition (우수성과경진대회). All the POSTECH graduates, postdoc research associates, and research professors to participate in this competition. Her research achievement is the following npj Clean Water article:

Liu, A.**, J. Kam*, S. Kwon, and W. Shao, 2023: Monitoring the impact of climate extremes and COVID-19 on statewise sentiment alterations in water pollution complaints, npj Clean Water, 6, 29. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41545-023-00244-y

Congratulations, Anqi!


Seung-Hui's paper on deep learning modeling for air pollutant from an emission facility was accepted in Journal of Cleaner Production. In her paper, she explored the potential of  deep learning in predicting air pollutant emissions (NOx, SOx, Total Suspended Particle (TSP)) using operational variables of the facility. My student, Kwang-Hun, is a coauthor who developed the concept of deep learning modeling

Choi, S.**, K.-H. Lee**, J.-H. Park, S. Jeon, H. J. Lee, P.-G. Kang*, J. Kam*, 2024, Reliable AI models can reveal key processes of heat recovery steam generator operation in air pollutant emission, J. Clean. Prod., 140806. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2024.140806 

Great job, Seung-Hui!


Our group has an undergraduate intern, Jiyun Shin (Ewha Womans University). She will conduct an independent study for AI modeling of reservoir water quantity and quality modeling during this winter break intern period.

Welcome onboard, Jiyun!


Happy New Year!

2023 was a productive year to our research group! Here are seven refereed articles published in 2023 from our research group (*student/postdoc first author). I appreciate their hard work and am proud of their scholarly products. More publications are forthcoming in 2024! Wish the best to all my research group members and alumni.

1. Lee, K.-H.*, S. Ali*, Y. Kim*, K. Lee, S. Y. Kwon, J. Kam, 2023, High Resolution Mapping of Nitrate Loads of a Reservoir Using an Unmanned Surface Vehicle: Potential Opportunities and Challenges, Water Resour. Res., 59, e2023WR034665.  https://doi.org/10.1029/2023WR034665 

2. Park, C. K.*, S. Lee, H. Yoon, J. Kam, 2023, Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Outlook of the 2022-23 Southwestern Korea Meteorological Drought, Environ. Res. Lett., 18, 104039. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/acfb27 

3. Song, J.*, K. Jeong, and J. Kam, 2023, Evidence of the time-varying impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on online search activities relating to shopping items in South Korea, Humanit. Soc. Sci. Commun. (Springer Nature), 100, 669. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-023-02183-y 

4. Lee, E.* and J. Kam, 2023,  Deciphering the black box of deep learning for multi-purpose dam operation modeling via explainable scenarios, J. Hydro., 626, 130177.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2023.130177 

5. Liu, A.*, J. Kam, S. Kwon, and W. Shao, 2023: Monitoring the impact of climate extremes and COVID-19 on statewise sentiment alterations in water pollution complaints, npj Clean Water, 6, 29. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41545-023-00244-y 

6. Ali, S.*, B.-H. Kim*, T. Akhtar, and J. Kam*, 2023: Past and future changes toward earlier timing of streamflow over Pakistan from bias-corrected regional climate projections (1962-2099), J. Hydrol., 617, 128959. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.128959 

7. Park, C.-K.* and J. Kam, 2023: Sub-seasonal Experiement (SubX) model-based assessment of the prediction skill of recent multi-year South Korea droughts,  Asia Pac J Atmos Sci., 59, 69-82. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13143-022-00307-z