Group Members:
Group Picture from Mini's Eyes (Fall 2024):
Postdoctoral Research Associates:
Dr. Byeong-Hee Kim (10/2020-)
Research Topics:
Climate Change Impact on Water Availability and Hydrologic Extremes
Seasonal Forecasting of Droughts and Pluvials
Honors and Awards:
Outstanding Presentation Award (Oral), The 2022 Korean Water Resources Association Conference
Kim, B.-H., Y.-O. Kim, and J. Kam, 2025, Hyper-resolution naturalized streamflow data for Geum River in South Korea (1951–2020), Scientific Data, 12, 210.
Kam, J., S.-K. Min, B.-H. Kim, Y.-H. Kim, L. B. Diaz, J.-S. Kug, R. Park, 2024, Climate Models Indicate Compensating Effects between Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases and Aerosols on the 2022 Central Andes Spring Drought, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 105, E825-E831.
Ali, S., B.-H. Kim, T. Akhtar, and J. Kam, 2023: Past and future changes toward earlier timing of streamflow over Pakistan from bias-corrected regional climate projections (1962-2099), J. Hydrol., 617, 128959.
Kam, J., S.-K. Min, C.-K. Park, B.-H. Kim, J.-S. Kug, 2022: Human contribution to 2020/21-like persistent Iran meteorological droughts, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 103 (12), E2930–E2936.
Kam, J., S.-K. Min, Y.-H. Kim, B.-H. Kim, and J.-S. Kug, 2022: Anthropogenic contribution to the record-breaking warm and wet winter 2019/20 over Northwest Russia. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 103, S38-S43.
Website: <click>
PhD Students:
1. Anqi Liu (PhD; Spring 2021-)
Research Topic:
Impacts of Climatic Extremes and Pandemic on the Public's Water Pollution Complaints
2020: M.S.E. in Environmental Engineering and Project Management at The University of Leeds, U.K.
2019: B.S.E. in Hydrology and Water Resources Management at China Three Gorges University, China
Awards, Scholarship, and Honors:
2024: Outstanding Presentation Award (Oral), The 2024 Korean Water Resources Association Conference
2024: 우수연구도전상, the 4th POSTECH Excellence Research Achievement Competition
2022: Excellence Award (Oral), the 2022 Smart Water Grid International Conference
Liu, A., S. Kwon, W. Shao, and J.Kam*, Monitoring the impact of climate extremes and COVID-19 on statewise sentiment alterations in water pollution complaints, npj Clean Water, 6, 29.
Website : <click>
2. Kwang-Hun Lee (PhD; Spring 2022-)
Research Topics:
Integrative Water Quantity-Quality Measurement Technology
Measurement-Based Nutrient Flux Budget Model for a Reservoir
2020: M.S.E. in Environmental Engineering, GIST
2018: B.S.E. in Environmental Engineering, GIST
2024: Outstanding paper award at the 2023 Korean Society of Environmental Engineering (KSEE) Annual Meeting
Lee, K.-H. and J. Kam, 2024, Spatiotemporal patterns of water volume and total organic carbon concentration of agricultural reservoirs over South Korea, Water Res., 256, 121610.
Lee, K.-H., S. Ali, Y. Kim, K. Lee, S. Y. Kwon, J. Kam*, 2023, High Resolution Mapping of Nitrate Loads of a Reservoir Using an Unmanned Surface Vehicle: Potential Opportunities and Challenges, 59, Water Resour. Res., e2023WR034665.
Choi, S., K.-H. Lee, J.-H. Park, S. Jeon, H. J. Lee, P.-G. Kang*, J. Kam*, Reliable AI models can reveal key processes of heat recovery steam generator operation in air pollutant emission, J. Clean. Prod., 438, 140806.
Website : <click>
3. Dar Murtaza Ahmad (PhD; Spring 2022-)
Research Topics:
Global Drought Awareness and Water Scarcity
Non-stationarity of Drought Assessment
2020: M.Tech in Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Patna, India
2016: B.Tech. in Civil Engineering, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, India
Awards, Scholarship, and Honors:
2021: NRF Korean Global Scholarship Recipient
Ahmad, D. M. and J. Kam, 2024, Disparity between global drought hazard and awareness, npj Clean Water, 7, 75.
Website: <click>
4. Yeonjin Son (MSE/PhD; Fall 2020-)
Research Topics:
Climate Change Impact on Arctic Hydrology
Awards, Scholarship, and Honors:
2022: 1st Place Award at the 1st POSTECH Smart Campus Data Competition
Website: <click>
5. Hassan Raza (PhD; Fall 2022-)
Research Topics:
Record events in streamflow over Pakistan
Past and Future changes in sediment load in Pakistan
2014: B.Sc. in Agricultural Engineering, The University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
2016: M.Sc. (honors) in Agricultural Engineering, The University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
Awards, Scholarship, and Honors:
2021: NRF Korean Global Scholarship Recipient
6. Eunmi Lee (MSE/PhD; Spring 2021-)
Research Topics:
AI Modeling for Dam Operation
Flood Risk Assessment
Socio-Hydrologic assessment for the 2022-23 Korea drought
Awards, Scholarship, and Honors:
2024: 6th place (장려상) and people's choice (인기) award of the Big Data and AI competition for crop price prediction
2024: 1st place award of the KEI Environmental Data Analysis/Application Idea Contest (one million KRW)
2024: NSF of Korea PhD Research Fellowship Recipient (two years; 25 million KRW per year)
2024: HYUNDAI MOTOR Chung Mong-Koo Foundation Scholarship (until graduation; a full tuition fee + 2.4 million won/semester)
2024: Outstanding Presentation Award (Oral), The 2024 Korean Water Resources Association Conference
2024: 우덕장학생 (12,000,000 won/US$ 8,900, withdrawal after the first semester)
2023: 박태준동문장학생 (3,000,000 won (US$ 2,300)) selected yb POSTECHian FOUNDATION
2022: 1st Place Award (3,000,000 won (US$ 2,300)), 2022 POSTECH OIBC CHALLENGE 태양광 발전량 예측 경진대회
2022: Outstanding Presentation Award (Poster), The 2022 Korean Water Resources Association Conference
Lee, E. and J. Kam, 2023, Deciphering the black box of deep learning for multi-purpose dam operation modeling via explainability scenarios, J. Hydro., 626,130177.
Website: <click>
7. Yena Kim (MSE/PhD; Fall 2021-)
Research Topic:
Past and Future Changes in Terrestrial Nutrients to Oceanic Nutrient Budget
2021: B. S.E. in Environmental Engineering at Kyung Hee University (early graudated)
Awards, Scholarship, and Honors:
2023: Outstanding Presentation Award (Oral), The 2023 Korean Water Resources Association Conference
2022: Kwanjeong Educational Program Scholarship
2021: Outstanding paper award at the 2020 Korean Society of Environmental Engineering (KSEE) Annual Meeting
Lee, K.-H., S. Ali, Y. Kim, K. Lee, S. Y. Kwon, J. Kam, 2023, High Resolution Mapping of Nitrate Loads of a Reservoir Using an Unmanned Surface Vehicle: Potential Opportunities and Challenges, 59, Water Resour. Res., e2023WR034665.
Website: <click>
8. Jiam Song (MSE/PhD; Fall 2021-)
Research Topics:
Social Response to Climate Variability and Pandemic
Social Network Modeling of Risk Communication for Drought and Wildfire
2021: B. S.E. in Chemical Engineering at POSTECH
Professional Experience:
2024: Summer internship at BC Card
Awards, Scholarship, and Honors:
2023: POSTECH Alchemist Program Award (15 million KRW (about 110k USD))
2022: 1st Place BEST Poster Award, POSTECH X NAVER AI DAY
Song, J., K. Jeong, and J. Kam, Evidence of time-varying impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on online search activities of shopping items in South Korea, Humanit. Soc. Sci. Commun. (Springer Nature), 100, 669.
9. Seunghui Choi (MSE/PhD; Spring 2022-)
Research Topic:
Global Assessment of the Public's Interest in Tropical Cyclones
AI-Based Environment Management
Drought Monitoring for Emotion-Focused Coping
2022: B.S.A in Mathematics and Computer Sciences (dual major) at Kyungpook National University
Choi, S., K.-H. Lee, J.-H. Park, S. Jeon, H. J. Lee, P.-G. Kang, J. Kam, Reliable AI models can reveal key processes of heat recovery steam generator operation in air pollutant emission, J. Clean. Prod., 438, 140806.
2023:오염물질 배출 수준 산정 시스템 및 방법 (Pollutant Emission Concentration Prediction System and Method). 10-2023-0021417. Rep. of Korea.
Website: <click>
MA/MSE Students:
1. Kiru Kim (MSE/PhD; Spring 2023-)
Research Topic:
Climate Impact on Car Crashes
Social Response to Extreme Precipitation
Professional Experience:
2024: Summer internship at BC Card
2023: B. S.E. in Mechanical Engineering at POSTECH
2. Deviicha (Icha) Ludyawati (MSE; Spring 2024-)
Research Topic:
AI-based streamflow reconstruciton for Indonesia
2018: Gadjah Mada University (Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
Awards, Scholarship, and Honors:
2024: National Scholarship Recipient of the Indonesian Ministry of Finance
3. Hyeongseok Oh (MSE/PhD; Spring 2024-)
Research Topic:
Hydrologic Sensitivity
Global Land Surface Hydrologic Modeling
2024: B.S.E. in Civil and Environmental Engineering at Dankook University
3. Gihoon Choi (MS (Social Data Science Major; Spring 2024-)
Research Topic:
Sentimental Analysis of Flood Complaint Data in South Korea
2020: M.Ed. in Social Studies Educations (Major: Geography Education) at Seoul National University
2017: B.A. in Geography Education at Chonnam National University
Visiting Scholars and Students:
1. Guibin Yang (Ph.D.; Spring 2025- Summer 2025)
Research Topic:
Flash Drought Assessment
2021-: Ph.D. in Hydrology and Water Resources at Xi'an University of Technology (Advisor: Prof. Jianxia Chang)
Post-graduate Research Interns:
Undergraduate Research Interns:
Winter 2024:
Sungmin Lee: Social response to night-time heatwave
Junha Yoon: Risk communication patterns during heavy snowfall
Summer 2024:
Sungjun Han: UAV-based mapping for water quality in the Daljeon reservoir
Winter 2023:
Jiyun Shin: AI modeling for reservoir water quantity-quality
Summer 2022:
Kiru Kim: Impact of Rainfall on Car Crashes
Summer 2021:
Seunghee Choi: Deep Learning Modeling for Water Resources Management
Winter 2020:
Jiahm Song: Climate-society interactions from big data: A case study of South Korea
Yena Kim: Variability and trends of water quantity and quality along the coastlines of South Korea
Jeong-Tae Joo: Global drought awareness analysis
Summer 2020:
Jiahm Song: Climate-society interactions from big data: A case study of South Korea
Yena Kim: Variability and trends of water quantity and quality along the coastlines of South Korea