(*:corresponding author; **:student/postdoc author)
(in prep./submitted/review/revision)
(in prep./submitted/review/revision)
Choi et al., Explainable AI enhances insights into NOx emissions reduction from a thermal facility (in prep.)
Choi et al., Explainable AI enhances insights into NOx emissions reduction from a thermal facility (in prep.)
Razza and Kam, Sixfold record events of Pakistan's rivers in a changing climate (in prep.)
Razza and Kam, Sixfold record events of Pakistan's rivers in a changing climate (in prep.)
Choi et al., Emerging Role of AI in Emotion-Focused Coping for Drought (submitted)
Choi et al., Emerging Role of AI in Emotion-Focused Coping for Drought (submitted)
Kim et al., 9-km gridded streamflow for Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna River Basins in Bangladesh (1951–2023) (in review)
Kim et al., 9-km gridded streamflow for Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna River Basins in Bangladesh (1951–2023) (in review)
Kim et al., Attribution Analysis of Springtime Nutrient Changes in Coastal Waters around Korea (in prep.)
Kim et al., Attribution Analysis of Springtime Nutrient Changes in Coastal Waters around Korea (in prep.)
Lee et al., Machine Learning-Based Analytic Hierarchy Process for Pluvial Flood Risk Assessment for South Korea (submitted)
Lee et al., Machine Learning-Based Analytic Hierarchy Process for Pluvial Flood Risk Assessment for South Korea (submitted)
54. Kim, B.-H.**, Y.-O. Kim, and J. Kam*, 2025, Hyper-resolution naturalized streamflow data for Geum River in South Korea (1951–2020), Scientific Data, 12, 210.
54. Kim, B.-H.**, Y.-O. Kim, and J. Kam*, 2025, Hyper-resolution naturalized streamflow data for Geum River in South Korea (1951–2020), Scientific Data, 12, 210.
53. Bastola, S., J. Cho, J. Kam, and Y. Jung, 2024, Assessing the influence of climate change on multiple climate indices in Nepal using CMIP6 global climate models, Atmospheric Research 311, 107720.
53. Bastola, S., J. Cho, J. Kam, and Y. Jung, 2024, Assessing the influence of climate change on multiple climate indices in Nepal using CMIP6 global climate models, Atmospheric Research 311, 107720.
52. Ahmad, D. M.** and J. Kam*, 2024, Disparity between global drought hazard and awareness, npj Clean Water, 7, 75.
52. Ahmad, D. M.** and J. Kam*, 2024, Disparity between global drought hazard and awareness, npj Clean Water, 7, 75.
51. Lee, K.-H.** and J. Kam*, 2024, Spatiotemporal patterns of water volume and total organic carbon concentration of agricultural reservoirs over South Korea, Water Res., 256, 121610.
51. Lee, K.-H.** and J. Kam*, 2024, Spatiotemporal patterns of water volume and total organic carbon concentration of agricultural reservoirs over South Korea, Water Res., 256, 121610.
50. Park, C.-K.** and J. Kam*, 2024, Spatiotemporal Patterns of Groundwater Over South Korea, Sci. Total. Environ., 928, 172221.
50. Park, C.-K.** and J. Kam*, 2024, Spatiotemporal Patterns of Groundwater Over South Korea, Sci. Total. Environ., 928, 172221.
49. Kam, J.*, S.-K. Min, B.-H. Kim**, Y.-H. Kim, L. B. Diaz, J.-S. Kug, R. Park, 2024, Climate Models Indicate Compensating Effects between Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases and Aerosols on the 2022 Central Andes Spring Drought, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 105, E825–E831.
49. Kam, J.*, S.-K. Min, B.-H. Kim**, Y.-H. Kim, L. B. Diaz, J.-S. Kug, R. Park, 2024, Climate Models Indicate Compensating Effects between Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases and Aerosols on the 2022 Central Andes Spring Drought, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 105, E825–E831.
48. Choi, S.**, K.-H. Lee**, J.-H. Park, S. Jeon, H. J. Lee, P.-G. Kang*, J. Kam*, 2024, Reliable AI models can reveal key processes of heat recovery steam generator operation in air pollutant emission, J. Clean. Prod., 438, 140806.
48. Choi, S.**, K.-H. Lee**, J.-H. Park, S. Jeon, H. J. Lee, P.-G. Kang*, J. Kam*, 2024, Reliable AI models can reveal key processes of heat recovery steam generator operation in air pollutant emission, J. Clean. Prod., 438, 140806.
47. Jung, K., J. Kam, and S. Lee, 2024, Tropical cyclone risk assessment reflecting the climate change trend: The case of South Korea, Nat. Hazards., 120, 5841-5967.
47. Jung, K., J. Kam, and S. Lee, 2024, Tropical cyclone risk assessment reflecting the climate change trend: The case of South Korea, Nat. Hazards., 120, 5841-5967.
46. Song, J., J. Kam, and S. Jones, 2024, Utility of Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle in Flood Inundation Mapping for Dam Failure: A Case Study of Lake Tuscaloosa Dam, River Res. Appl., 40, 63-76.
46. Song, J., J. Kam, and S. Jones, 2024, Utility of Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle in Flood Inundation Mapping for Dam Failure: A Case Study of Lake Tuscaloosa Dam, River Res. Appl., 40, 63-76.
45. Lee, K.-H.**, S. Ali**, Y. Kim**, K. Lee, S. Y. Kwon, J. Kam*, 2023, High Resolution Mapping of Nitrate Loads of a Reservoir Using an Uncrewed Surface Vehicle: Potential Opportunities and Challenges, Water Resour. Res., 59, e2023WR034665. <data>
45. Lee, K.-H.**, S. Ali**, Y. Kim**, K. Lee, S. Y. Kwon, J. Kam*, 2023, High Resolution Mapping of Nitrate Loads of a Reservoir Using an Uncrewed Surface Vehicle: Potential Opportunities and Challenges, Water Resour. Res., 59, e2023WR034665. <data>
Media: 동아사이언스, 전자신문, 매일신문, 영남일보, 경북일보, 베리타스알파, 대경일보, 교수신문, Eurekalert!,, Medriva,, SCIENMAG, ScienceDaily, Today Headline, Swift Telecast, Verve Times, Mydroll, Smart Water Magazine
Media: 동아사이언스, 전자신문, 매일신문, 영남일보, 경북일보, 베리타스알파, 대경일보, 교수신문, Eurekalert!,, Medriva,, SCIENMAG, ScienceDaily, Today Headline, Swift Telecast, Verve Times, Mydroll, Smart Water Magazine
44. Park, C. K.**, S. Lee, H. Yoon, J. Kam*, 2023, Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Outlook of the 2022-23 Southwestern Korea Meteorological Drought, Environ. Res. Lett., 18, 104039. <data>
44. Park, C. K.**, S. Lee, H. Yoon, J. Kam*, 2023, Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Outlook of the 2022-23 Southwestern Korea Meteorological Drought, Environ. Res. Lett., 18, 104039. <data>
Media: 동아사이언스, 조선비즈, 매일경제, YTN 사이언스, Eurekalert!,, SCIENMAG, MIRAGE,, UNDRR Prevention Web
Media: 동아사이언스, 조선비즈, 매일경제, YTN 사이언스, Eurekalert!,, SCIENMAG, MIRAGE,, UNDRR Prevention Web
43. Ha, K., J. Kam*, M. Watanabe, T. Zhou, and W. Dong, 2023, Grand Challenges in Earth Science: The Weather-Climate-Society Nexus over Northeast Asia, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 104, E1956-E1961 (non-refereed).
43. Ha, K., J. Kam*, M. Watanabe, T. Zhou, and W. Dong, 2023, Grand Challenges in Earth Science: The Weather-Climate-Society Nexus over Northeast Asia, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 104, E1956-E1961 (non-refereed).
42. Song, J.**, K. Jeong, and J. Kam*, 2023, Evidence of the time-varying impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on online search activities relating to shopping items in South Korea, Humanit. Soc. Sci. Commun. (Springer Nature), 100, 669. <data>
42. Song, J.**, K. Jeong, and J. Kam*, 2023, Evidence of the time-varying impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on online search activities relating to shopping items in South Korea, Humanit. Soc. Sci. Commun. (Springer Nature), 100, 669. <data>
Media: POSTECH Homepage, 브레이크뉴스, 베리타알파, 동아사이언스, 파이낸셜뉴스, 매일경제, 전자신문, MONETA뉴스, 아크로팬, PAXNet, EurekAlert!,, SCIENMAG,
41. Lee, E.** and J. Kam*, 2023, Deciphering the black box of deep learning for multi-purpose dam operation modeling via explainable scenarios, J. Hydro., 626, 130177. <data> <pdf>
41. Lee, E.** and J. Kam*, 2023, Deciphering the black box of deep learning for multi-purpose dam operation modeling via explainable scenarios, J. Hydro., 626, 130177. <data> <pdf>
40. Kim, S., M. Kumar, and J. Kam, 2023: Rain-fed to Irrigation-fed Transition of Agriculture Exacerbates Meteorological Drought in Cropped Regions but Moderates Elsewhere, Environ. Res. Lett., 18, 074024.
40. Kim, S., M. Kumar, and J. Kam, 2023: Rain-fed to Irrigation-fed Transition of Agriculture Exacerbates Meteorological Drought in Cropped Regions but Moderates Elsewhere, Environ. Res. Lett., 18, 074024.
39. Lee, H., S. Y. Kown, J. Kam, L.-T. Lee, X. Fu, I.-G. Cho, and S.-D. Choi, 2023: Isotopic investigation of sources and processes affecting gaseous and particulate bound mercury in the east coast, South Korea, Sci. Total. Environ., 891, 164404.
39. Lee, H., S. Y. Kown, J. Kam, L.-T. Lee, X. Fu, I.-G. Cho, and S.-D. Choi, 2023: Isotopic investigation of sources and processes affecting gaseous and particulate bound mercury in the east coast, South Korea, Sci. Total. Environ., 891, 164404.
38. Lee, K.-T., J.-S. Kim, K.-T. Park, M.-J. Park, E. Jang, K. Gudmundsson, S. R. Olafsdottir, J. Olafsson, Y. J. Yoon, B.-Y. Lee, S. Y. Kwon, and J. Kam, 2023: Observational evidence linking ocean sulfur compounds to atmospheric dimethyl sulfide during Icelandic Sea phytoplankton blooms, Sci. Total. Environ., 879, 163020.
38. Lee, K.-T., J.-S. Kim, K.-T. Park, M.-J. Park, E. Jang, K. Gudmundsson, S. R. Olafsdottir, J. Olafsson, Y. J. Yoon, B.-Y. Lee, S. Y. Kwon, and J. Kam, 2023: Observational evidence linking ocean sulfur compounds to atmospheric dimethyl sulfide during Icelandic Sea phytoplankton blooms, Sci. Total. Environ., 879, 163020.
37. Liu, A.**, J. Kam*, S. Kwon, and W. Shao, 2023: Monitoring the impact of climate extremes and COVID-19 on statewise sentiment alterations in water pollution complaints, npj Clean Water, 6, 29. <data>
37. Liu, A.**, J. Kam*, S. Kwon, and W. Shao, 2023: Monitoring the impact of climate extremes and COVID-19 on statewise sentiment alterations in water pollution complaints, npj Clean Water, 6, 29. <data>
Media: 베리스타알파, 경북신문, 신아일보, BreakNews, 한국대학신문, 메디컬투데이, 동아사이언스, EurekAlert!, SCIENMAG
36. Ali, S.**, B.-H. Kim**, T. Akhtar, and J. Kam*, 2023: Past and future changes toward earlier timing of streamflow over Pakistan from bias-corrected regional climate projections (1962-2099), J. Hydrol., 617, 128959. <data>
36. Ali, S.**, B.-H. Kim**, T. Akhtar, and J. Kam*, 2023: Past and future changes toward earlier timing of streamflow over Pakistan from bias-corrected regional climate projections (1962-2099), J. Hydrol., 617, 128959. <data>
Media: Eurekalert!, Sciencedaily,, SCIENMAG, ENN, POSTECH Front Webpage
35. Park, C.-K.** and J. Kam*, 2023: Sub-seasonal Experiement (SubX) model-based assessment of the prediction skill of recent multi-year South Korea droughts, Asia Pac J Atmos Sci., 59, 69-82. (pdf)
35. Park, C.-K.** and J. Kam*, 2023: Sub-seasonal Experiement (SubX) model-based assessment of the prediction skill of recent multi-year South Korea droughts, Asia Pac J Atmos Sci., 59, 69-82. (pdf)
34. Kam, J.*, S.-K. Min, C.-K. Park**, B.-H. Kim**, J.-S. Kug, 2022: Human contribution to 2020/21-like persistent Iran meteorological droughts, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 103, E2930–E2936.
34. Kam, J.*, S.-K. Min, C.-K. Park**, B.-H. Kim**, J.-S. Kug, 2022: Human contribution to 2020/21-like persistent Iran meteorological droughts, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 103, E2930–E2936.
33. Park, C.-K.**, J. Kam*, H.-R. Byun, and D.-W. Kim, 2022: A Self-Calibrating Effective Drought Index (scEDI): Evaluation against Social Drought Impact Records over the Korean Peninsula (1777-2020). J. Hydrol. 613, 128357. <data>
33. Park, C.-K.**, J. Kam*, H.-R. Byun, and D.-W. Kim, 2022: A Self-Calibrating Effective Drought Index (scEDI): Evaluation against Social Drought Impact Records over the Korean Peninsula (1777-2020). J. Hydrol. 613, 128357. <data>
Media: 동아사이언스, 뉴스1, 대덕넷, 경북메일, 브레이크뉴스, 한국대학신문, 배리스타알파, 교수신문, 위키트리, 뉴스프리존, Eurekalert!, Sciencedaily,, POSTECH Front Webpage
32. Fang, B., J. Kam, E. Elliott, G. A. Tootle, M. Therrell, and V. Lakshmi, 2022: The Recent Decline of Apalachicola–Chattahoochee–Flint (ACF) River Basin Streamflow, Hydrology, 9, 140.
32. Fang, B., J. Kam, E. Elliott, G. A. Tootle, M. Therrell, and V. Lakshmi, 2022: The Recent Decline of Apalachicola–Chattahoochee–Flint (ACF) River Basin Streamflow, Hydrology, 9, 140.
31. Kam, J.*, S.-K. Min, Y.-H. Kim, B.-H. Kim**, and J.-S. Kug, 2022: Anthropogenic contribution to the record-breaking warm and wet winter 2019/20 over Northwest Russia. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 103, S38-S43. (pdf)
31. Kam, J.*, S.-K. Min, Y.-H. Kim, B.-H. Kim**, and J.-S. Kug, 2022: Anthropogenic contribution to the record-breaking warm and wet winter 2019/20 over Northwest Russia. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 103, S38-S43. (pdf)
Media: 동아사이언스, 전자신문, YTN 사이언스, 뉴스1, 매일신문, 경북메일, ScienceDaily,, EurekAlert!, NATURE WORLD NEWS, Газета.ru, SCIENMAG
YouTube Video: YTN사이언스
30. Shao, W., J. Kam, and E. Cass, 2022: Public awareness and perceptions of drought: A case study of two cities of Alabama. Risk, Hazards, & Crisis in Public Policy, 14, 27-44.
30. Shao, W., J. Kam, and E. Cass, 2022: Public awareness and perceptions of drought: A case study of two cities of Alabama. Risk, Hazards, & Crisis in Public Policy, 14, 27-44.
29. Kug, J.-S., J.-H. Oh, S.-I. An, S.-W. Yeh, S.-K. Min, S.-W. Son, J. Kam, Y.-G. Ham, and J. Shin, 2022: Hysteresis of the intertropical convergence zone to CO2 forcing. Nat. Clim. Change., 12, 47-53. (pdf)
29. Kug, J.-S., J.-H. Oh, S.-I. An, S.-W. Yeh, S.-K. Min, S.-W. Son, J. Kam, Y.-G. Ham, and J. Shin, 2022: Hysteresis of the intertropical convergence zone to CO2 forcing. Nat. Clim. Change., 12, 47-53. (pdf)
28. Kam, J*. 2021: Diversity in the Observed Functionality of Dams and Reservoirs, Environ. Res.: Infrastruct. Sustain., 1, 031003. <data>
28. Kam, J*. 2021: Diversity in the Observed Functionality of Dams and Reservoirs, Environ. Res.: Infrastruct. Sustain., 1, 031003. <data>
27. Formetta, G., J. Kam, S. Sadeghi, G. Tootle, T. Piechota, 2021, Atlantic Ocean Variability and European Alps Winter Precipitation, Water, 13, 3377.
27. Formetta, G., J. Kam, S. Sadeghi, G. Tootle, T. Piechota, 2021, Atlantic Ocean Variability and European Alps Winter Precipitation, Water, 13, 3377.
26. Kam, J.*, J. Park**, W. Shao, J. Song**, J. Kim, F. T. Gizzi, D. Porrini, and Y.-J. Suh, 2021: Data-driven modeling reveals the Western dominance of global pubic interest in earthquakes, Humanit. Soc. Sci. Commun. (Springer Nature), 8, 242. <data>
26. Kam, J.*, J. Park**, W. Shao, J. Song**, J. Kim, F. T. Gizzi, D. Porrini, and Y.-J. Suh, 2021: Data-driven modeling reveals the Western dominance of global pubic interest in earthquakes, Humanit. Soc. Sci. Commun. (Springer Nature), 8, 242. <data>
Media: EurekAlert, 뉴시스, 대덕넷, 영남일보
25. Song, J.**, M. Sciubba**, and J. Kam*, 2021, Risk and Impact Assessment of Dams in the Contiguous United States using the 2018 National Inventory of Dams Database, Water, 13, 1066.
25. Song, J.**, M. Sciubba**, and J. Kam*, 2021, Risk and Impact Assessment of Dams in the Contiguous United States using the 2018 National Inventory of Dams Database, Water, 13, 1066.
24. Vines, M., G. Tootle, L. Terry, E. Elliott, J. Corbin, G. L. Harley, J. Kam, S. Sadehi, and M. Therrell, 2021, A Paleo Perspective of Alabama and Florida (USA) Interstate Streamflow, Water, 13, 657.
24. Vines, M., G. Tootle, L. Terry, E. Elliott, J. Corbin, G. L. Harley, J. Kam, S. Sadehi, and M. Therrell, 2021, A Paleo Perspective of Alabama and Florida (USA) Interstate Streamflow, Water, 13, 657.
23. Kam, J.*, S. Kim**, and J. Roundy, 2021, Did a skillful prediction of near-surface temperatures help or hinder forecasting of the 2012 US drought?, Environ. Res. Lett., 16, 3.
23. Kam, J.*, S. Kim**, and J. Roundy, 2021, Did a skillful prediction of near-surface temperatures help or hinder forecasting of the 2012 US drought?, Environ. Res. Lett., 16, 3.
22. Kam, J.*, S-K. Min, P. Wolski, and J.-S. Kug, 2021, CMIP6 Model-Based Assessment of Anthropogenic Influence on the Long Sustained Western Cape Drought over 2015-2019, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 102, S45-S50. (pdf)
22. Kam, J.*, S-K. Min, P. Wolski, and J.-S. Kug, 2021, CMIP6 Model-Based Assessment of Anthropogenic Influence on the Long Sustained Western Cape Drought over 2015-2019, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 102, S45-S50. (pdf)
21. Wanyun, S. and J. Kam, 2020, Retrospective and Prospective Evaluations of Drought and Flood, Sci. Total Environ., 748, 141155. (pdf)
21. Wanyun, S. and J. Kam, 2020, Retrospective and Prospective Evaluations of Drought and Flood, Sci. Total Environ., 748, 141155. (pdf)
20. Gizzi, F. T., J. Kam, and D. Porrini, 2020, Time windows of opportunities to fight earthquake under-insurance: evidence from Google Trends. Humanit. Soc. Sci. Commun. (Springer Nature), 7, 61 (Article number). (pdf)
20. Gizzi, F. T., J. Kam, and D. Porrini, 2020, Time windows of opportunities to fight earthquake under-insurance: evidence from Google Trends. Humanit. Soc. Sci. Commun. (Springer Nature), 7, 61 (Article number). (pdf)
Before joining POSTECH (before 01/2020):
Before joining POSTECH (before 01/2020):
19. Kim, S.**, W. Shao, and J. Kam*, 2019, Spatiotemporal Patterns of US Drought Awareness, Palgrave Comm. (Springer Nature), 5, 107 (Article number). (pdf)
19. Kim, S.**, W. Shao, and J. Kam*, 2019, Spatiotemporal Patterns of US Drought Awareness, Palgrave Comm. (Springer Nature), 5, 107 (Article number). (pdf)
18. Sadeghi, S., G. Tootle, E. Elliott, V. Lakshmi, M. Therrell, J. Kam, and B. Bearden, 2019, Atlantic Ocean Sea Surface Temperatures and Southeast United States Streamflow Variability: Associations with the Recent Multi-decadal Decline, J. Hydrol., 576, 422-429.
18. Sadeghi, S., G. Tootle, E. Elliott, V. Lakshmi, M. Therrell, J. Kam, and B. Bearden, 2019, Atlantic Ocean Sea Surface Temperatures and Southeast United States Streamflow Variability: Associations with the Recent Multi-decadal Decline, J. Hydrol., 576, 422-429.
17. Kam, J.*, K. Stowers, and S. Kim**, 2019, Monitoring of Drought Awareness from Google Trends: A Case Study of the 2011–17 California Drought, Weather Clim Soc., 11, 419-429.
17. Kam, J.*, K. Stowers, and S. Kim**, 2019, Monitoring of Drought Awareness from Google Trends: A Case Study of the 2011–17 California Drought, Weather Clim Soc., 11, 419-429.
16. Milly, P. C. D., J. Kam, and K. A. Dunne, 2018, On the Sensitivity of Annual Streamflow to Air Temperature, Water Resour. Res., 54, 2624-2641.
16. Milly, P. C. D., J. Kam, and K. A. Dunne, 2018, On the Sensitivity of Annual Streamflow to Air Temperature, Water Resour. Res., 54, 2624-2641.
15. Kam, J.*, T. R. Knutson, and P. C. D. Milly, 2018, Climate model assessment of changes in winter-spring streamflow timing over North America, J. Climate, 31, 5559-5579.
15. Kam, J.*, T. R. Knutson, and P. C. D. Milly, 2018, Climate model assessment of changes in winter-spring streamflow timing over North America, J. Climate, 31, 5559-5579.
14. Knutson, T. R., J. Kam, F. Zeng, and A. T. Wittenberg, 2018, CMIP5 model-based assessment of anthropogenic influence on record global warmth during 2016, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99(1), S11-S15.
14. Knutson, T. R., J. Kam, F. Zeng, and A. T. Wittenberg, 2018, CMIP5 model-based assessment of anthropogenic influence on record global warmth during 2016, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99(1), S11-S15.
13. Kam, J.*, T. R. Knutson, F. Zeng, and A. T. Wittenberg, 2018, CMIP5 model-based assessment of anthropogenic influence on highly anomalous Arctic warmth during November-December 2016, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99(1), S34-S38.
13. Kam, J.*, T. R. Knutson, F. Zeng, and A. T. Wittenberg, 2018, CMIP5 model-based assessment of anthropogenic influence on highly anomalous Arctic warmth during November-December 2016, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99(1), S34-S38.
12. Kam, J.*, T. R. Knutson, F. Zeng, and A. T. Wittenberg, 2016, Multimodel assessment of anthropogenic influence on record global and regional warmth during 2015, Chapter 2 of "[Explaining extreme events of 2015 from a climate perspective]," Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97, S4-S8.
12. Kam, J.*, T. R. Knutson, F. Zeng, and A. T. Wittenberg, 2016, Multimodel assessment of anthropogenic influence on record global and regional warmth during 2015, Chapter 2 of "[Explaining extreme events of 2015 from a climate perspective]," Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97, S4-S8.
11. Kam, J.* and J. Sheffield, 2016, Increased drought and pluvial risk over California due to changing oceanic condition, J. Climate, 29, 8269-8279.
11. Kam, J.* and J. Sheffield, 2016, Increased drought and pluvial risk over California due to changing oceanic condition, J. Climate, 29, 8269-8279.
10. Sadri, S., J. Kam, and J. Sheffield, 2016, Nonstationarity of low flows and their timing in the eastern United States, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 633-649.
10. Sadri, S., J. Kam, and J. Sheffield, 2016, Nonstationarity of low flows and their timing in the eastern United States, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 633-649.
9. Kam, J.*, T. R. Knutson, F. Zeng, and A. T. Wittenberg, 2016, Record annual-mean warmth over Europe, the northeast Pacific, and the northwest Atlantic during 2014: Assessment of anthropogenic influence, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96, S61-S65.
9. Kam, J.*, T. R. Knutson, F. Zeng, and A. T. Wittenberg, 2016, Record annual-mean warmth over Europe, the northeast Pacific, and the northwest Atlantic during 2014: Assessment of anthropogenic influence, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96, S61-S65.
8. Kam, J.* and J. Sheffield, 2015, Changes in the Low Flow Regime over the Eastern United States (1962-2011): Variability, Trends, and Attributions, Clim. Chang., 135, 639-653.
8. Kam, J.* and J. Sheffield, 2015, Changes in the Low Flow Regime over the Eastern United States (1962-2011): Variability, Trends, and Attributions, Clim. Chang., 135, 639-653.
7. Getirana, A., E. Dutra, M. Guimberteau, J. Kam, et al., 2014, Water balance in the Amazon basin from a land surface model ensemble. J. Hydrometeor., 15, 2586-2614.
7. Getirana, A., E. Dutra, M. Guimberteau, J. Kam, et al., 2014, Water balance in the Amazon basin from a land surface model ensemble. J. Hydrometeor., 15, 2586-2614.
6. Kam, J.*, J. Sheffield, and E. F. Wood, 2014, Changes in drought risk over the contiguous United States (1901-2012): The influence of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 5897-5903.
6. Kam, J.*, J. Sheffield, and E. F. Wood, 2014, Changes in drought risk over the contiguous United States (1901-2012): The influence of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 5897-5903.
5. Kam, J.*, J. Sheffield, and E. F. Wood, 2014, A multi-scale analysis of drought and pluvial mechanisms for the southeastern United States, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, 7348-7367.
5. Kam, J.*, J. Sheffield, and E. F. Wood, 2014, A multi-scale analysis of drought and pluvial mechanisms for the southeastern United States, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, 7348-7367.
4. Kam, J.*, J. Sheffield, X. Yuan, and E. F. Wood, 2014, Did a skillful prediction of sea surface temperatures help or hinder forecasting the 2012 Midwestern summer drought?, Environ. Res. Lett., 9, 034005.
4. Kam, J.*, J. Sheffield, X. Yuan, and E. F. Wood, 2014, Did a skillful prediction of sea surface temperatures help or hinder forecasting the 2012 Midwestern summer drought?, Environ. Res. Lett., 9, 034005.
3. Yuan, X., E. F. Wood, N. W. Chaney, J. Sheffield, J. Kam, M. Liang, and K. Guan, 2013, Probabilistic seasonal forecasting of African drought by dynamical models, J. Hydrometeor., 14, 1706-1720.
3. Yuan, X., E. F. Wood, N. W. Chaney, J. Sheffield, J. Kam, M. Liang, and K. Guan, 2013, Probabilistic seasonal forecasting of African drought by dynamical models, J. Hydrometeor., 14, 1706-1720.
2. Kam, J.*, J. Sheffield, X. Yuan, and E. F. Wood, 2013, The influence of Atlantic tropical cyclones on drought over the eastern US (1980-2007), J. Climate, 26, 3067- 3086.
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